Member sales
Interested in selling plants at the expo, but don't want to have to purchase a booth? Sign up for the member sales table and leave the hassle to us.
Create an account and fill out the member sales application by September 1st to be considered for member sales at IAS Tropical Plant Expo!
Member Sales Signs ups now closed
Important Info
1 / IAS Member
To sell plants at the members sales table, you must be a member of the IAS in good standing.
2 / Pre-register
Members wishing to sell must pre-register to be assigned a vendor number. Please fill out the Member Sales Table sign-up no later than September 1st. Additional details and requirements are listed in the sign-up form.
3 / Minimums
You must bring a minimum of 10 plants or $300 retail in order to sell at the members table.
4 / Aroids Only
All Plants sold must be Aroids, members of the Plant Family Araceae, and free from pests and disease.
5 / Labeling
All plants placed on the members sales table must have two plastic plant tags.
One tag must have your vendor number, price, and the name of the plant and not be easily removed.
The other tag should contain your vendor number, and price and be easily removed. We keep the second tag for accounting purposes.
6 / Drop Off
All plants must be dropped off on Friday, Sept 20th between 10am and 1pm at the Miami-Dade County Fair & Expo Center. Security will have your name on the list. Please, no shopping during this time.
7 / No Pest Plants
No plants listed on the most current Florida Exotic Pest Plant List in Category I may be sold.
8 / No Unethical, Unsustainable Plants
Sellers MUST read and abide by the IAS Statement on Unethical and Unsustainable Collecting.