aroid awards
International Aroid Society members! Do you have a particularly stunning or fascinating specimen you think aroiders of the world need to see?
Then we invite you to apply to enter into this year's 47th Annual Aroid Show to have your plant recognized as one of the best of the best in our Aroid Awards!
Create an account and fill out the Aroid Award Sign-up by September 1st to enter your plant in the show!
aroid award sign ups now closed
Best In Show
$250 Cash Award + Trophy
Selected by our panel of 3 judges
Most Unusual
$100 Cash Award + Trophy
Selected by our panel of 3 judges
People's choice
$50 Cash Award + Trophy
Voted on by attendees
1st place per genus
Framed certificates are awarded to 1st Place of the following categories:​
Various Genera
Selected by our panel of 3 judges
Info & Requirements
1 / IAS Member
To enter plants in the Aroid Awards, you must be a member of the IAS in good standing.
2 / Pre-register
Members wishing to enter must pre-register each plant. Please pre-register no later than September 1st.
3 / aroids only
All entries must be aroids, members of the plant family Araceae, free from pests and disease, and fully identified by name.
4 / Drop off
All plants must be dropped off on Friday between 10am and 1pm. You can park in the south lot during drop off. Security will have your name on the list. Please bring your plants to the Info Kiosk and fill out an entry card. Please, no shopping during this time.
8 / Pick Up
Plants must be picked up Sunday afternoon between 3:30pm and 4:40pm or plants will disposed of.
6 / Judging
Judging for all awards will take place Friday afternoon and announced Saturday morning, except "People's Choice", which will be announced Saturday at the Dinner Event.
7 / No Pest Plants
No plants listed on the most current Florida Exotic Pest Plant List in Category I may be sold.
8 / No Unethical, Unsustainable Plants
Sellers MUST read and abide by the IAS Statement on Unethical and Unsustainable Collecting.
9 / More details
Aroid Award Sign Ups have now closed.